
Saturday, February 12, 2011

15mm DAK, 15. Panzerdivision

Once every 2 years or so we are hit by a 15mm virus. It suddenly arrives and once we bought all our stuff it's suddenly gone again. I've painted two armies and actually played Flames of War twice now. Maybe it was the force I played  (7th AD) but the game just did not do it for me then. I found it somewhat predictable. We will try again soon playing desert and see if this works for us. If not we will look at different rulesets. Next month I will give our verdict and write up some battle report together with pictures of Jake's 8th army.

For now pictures of my DAK, 15. Panzerdivision.
Miniatures by Battlefront with the occasional Skytrex figure thrown in for variety.


  1. Hi Michael,
    My young nephew is going through the same thing at them moment. Painted his way through a vast amount of late war and German troops but doesn't really enjoy the FOW rules.
    Still you both now have vey nice looking armies to your name!

  2. Nice looking army! We have enjoyed FOW at our club, but we played so much that we are taking break for awhile from over doing it. I will say this,that I don't like FOW on tournaments, but do for club play. However, I should also say I don't like tournaments for anything really other then meeting new gamers and looking at armies.


  3. Thanks guys. And we don't like to play tournaments either. Our group is just six players who like to have some fun and don't worry about rules too much. That said, there is always something with rules is it...

  4. That´s one heck of a lot of minis!! They look great..I especially like the artillery pieces and the bust up tank.
