
Monday, February 28, 2011

Mini disaster

It has been a bad week for my mini's. Last friday our cleaner decided to pay special attention to my showcase. She thought it needed a real proper clean up and so she did.... It's clean as you can see. There is f&%^ nothing in it anymore because the complete inside collapsed in an attempt to remove some dust. Don't ask me how this exactly happened as I was not there when it all happened. My wife told me the cleaner was too shocked to speak at all. The showcase can be repaired and I consider myself lucky in a way. Lucky because only two things were in it at the time it happened. Usually I have some of my self proclaimed masterpieces in it but I removed those just weeks ago to take pictures for this blog. To celebrate the blogs ROI I will continue boring you here for at least another year.
The cleaning results:

Cleaned, worst thing is the head is lost. still need to check the vacuum cleaner
Age of Arthur Dux in former times...

Phalanx ready for action

Phalanx searching for shields and pikes

Most frustrating comment: oh, relax, you have so many miniatures, why bother. these are just a few. aargh, i have spent probably 40-50 hours on this figures..It hurts to see all the scratches, you will understand.
But again, this could have been much much worse...

Another disappointment today was the arrival of an order I placed at Warlord games. Couple of packs missing but most annoying was the Meetinghouse/Church from Architects of war. This was damaged beyond repair in transport.

No worries however because it looks as if
Warlord customer support is excellent.
Got a reply on my email to support in 5 minutes from Gareth stating they will reship the product and missing packs with recorded service and extra protection.

Last post I promised a report on a old west game we would play last saturday. Well, I'm sorry to say, another disillusion... we had a few last minute cancellations. So the town is still in the boxes. We did however play a small AWI battle for the first time testing some rules which was fun. As soon as I get the pictures from Rob I will post a report. Anyway because I like pictures, here is a preview...


  1. Man .... rough week .... keep the chin up !

  2. You Lucky, Lucky guy!
    I bet you are pretty happy you started your blog!

    I'm glad most of your stuff survived the cleaner from hell. I remember returning from work 1 day to find my prized 1/48 scale ME109 that I had airbrushed, weathered and only just finish smashed into pieces on the floor! My (now EX) girlfriend had decided to dust/clean (for the 1st time ever) my display case and had accidentaly knocked it onto my weights bench!

    Can't live with them, Can't live with them!


  3. Sickening! When this type of things happens to me I have to remind myself that they are 'just' toy soldiers. Keep up the good work.


  4. Hello!

    I'm Ernie, co-owner of Arhitects of War. I am really sorry about your cabinet.

    I am very unhappy one of our products was ruined in the post. Warlord are good folks and the reason why they are our sole distributor in the UK. If for any reason, this isn't resolved to your satisfaction, please contact us at!

  5. Oh my, that's a bummer. Hope you find the head of that otherwise nice figure. I'm sure your cleaner feels terrible about it. Luckily only a few items were in it. Best, Dean

  6. Thanks for your understanding guys..I'm sure everybody had some experiences like this. Hope we keep this at an absolute minimum from now on...

    @Ernie: Thanks for your reply! These things just happen once in a while, bad luck. I am very confident it will be resolved. I was really looking forward to the church because I honestly think your products are truly outstanding..

  7. This is a sad story. :(
    I am so glad that I told everybody that I am the only one that may come near my minis. Everybody is keeping to that rule.

  8. I have a similar story but it wasn't the cleaner but a professional "cabinet builder". I got a specially made wood cabin with glasses inside all over the wallas and floor, lights on top and a transparent door; the shelves to put my minis were also made of glass and glued to the glass walls... everything fine except that the glue the builder used apparantely was not strong enough and after a year the upper glass shelf fell and brought down with him the remaining four shelves. In addition to the nightare of broken glasess all over my room, I lost my whole Roman and Celtic 25 mm armies which were damaged beyond repair. Consider yourself lucky

  9. That's a horrible story, I feel your pain!!

  10. Should have updated this weeks ago. Warlord Customer Service is indeed excellent. Replaced the church within a week and completed the order shortly after. So happy customer here.
    The head is still missing though :-(

  11. God I feel angry now for you...I can imagine it and I have to say it's one of my worst nightmares. man I can'think about it anymore what was she thinking...Right i'm off to kick stuff.

  12. I tend to turn them into battle casualties or battle damage some how.
