
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Confederate skirmishers

A quick update as I want to spend  time on painting today. Next week we have our first ACW game so I try to finish another Renegade regiment  and an artillery battery of three guns.

 These skirmishers are Redoubt. With all the head variants they provide no mini will look the same. Went for an all kepi unit to make them a bit different from the rest. I will add eight more to this unit once I get the ordered miniatures delivered here...


  1. Very pretty paintjob, but you got the blue all wrong, it turned out rather grey-ish

  2. Thx for the comment Tomsche. Are you referring to the trousers? I personally don't believe in right or wrong for exact confederate colors, esp with greys. I wanted to avoid the light blue and tried to go for a faded blue inspired by some pictures in the gettysburg campanion. That said, I did not use this combination anymore for the next unit as I do not like it as much as I would...

  3. Nah, just to the fact they where Confederates instead of the Union, but that`s my `blue heart` speaking ;)

  4. ah, those blues will arrive shortly as well at this place. Shot to pieces in the next battlereport. Hmm, wishful thinking.

  5. Excellent painting on these!
    I've got a few questions-
    What brand are the flowers?
    What paints did you use for the bugle?

  6. Hi Josiah, the flowers are Silflor: The bugle was done with GW brazen brass->GW shining Gold->wash GW devlon mud->little touch of GW shining gold. For speed I often skip the brass when painting a batch. The wash is a must so it won't look shining gold...
