
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The cavalry rides in...and an Oprah moment

'There is no army if you don't have cavalry'. Quote from Rob, member of our small group, with whom I fight most my battles with. Since his union troops do not include cavalry I will have an easy day tomorrow as we have planned a game.

The miniatures actually were a gift from Marc who is also on the Union side. He figured they looked better on the table than in his drawer so to my delight he kindly gave them to me at our last game. I was very impressed with these Foundry models (I actually tried to order them from Northstar three days before but they were out of stock) so I started painting them the next day. Yesterday they have seen action for the first time and with good success. The report will follow soon. Again, thanks Marc, you will regret it.

The unit is not really part of the Brigade I'm painting but will be cool for our Terrible Sharp Sword games. Next up are the dismounted models.
Flag by GMB Designs, my default choice for this army.

More pictures of the individual models in the ACW Gallery.

Today it's also time for the first and last Oprah moment on this little blog.  Yesterday the 100st follower subscribed, the painting confederates post has well over 1000 views and if I have to believe google analytics today MiniStories reaches 10000 hits.  It's been fun the last few months so a BIG Thanks to all the readers and followers.

Stylish Blogger Award
The chain letter reached me as well and I got a couple of nominations for a stylish blogger award over the weekend. I see a lot of discussion on the net about the value of the reward and the nature of chain letters. As I see this is just a little of harmless online fun, a nice way to promote other blogs and learn a bit of the person behind the blog.
But these things need to stop at a certain point, the fun is over because the award in itself is a topic now. So i decided to thank the fellow bloggers who nominated me because I really appreciate it and leave it with that. For a uberOprah moment I think all blogs are stylish in their own way and I respect the effort everyone makes in sharing their experiences online. Ok, you can put away the tissues now as this was my one and only Oprah moment.

And check their blogs, they are more than worth it!

Back to the original post:

Now where is Oprah


  1. Nice work Michael,
    Well done with the 100 followers a your stylish blog award. I really like the way you do your bases too.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Excellent painting & basing. Regards, Dean

  3. Great looking cavalry and the bases look very nice.

  4. Very nice work on those Foundry figures. They are lovely sculpts and you've done them the justice they deserve. I have that command group and you've made me want to order more. So Northstar does carry Foundry figures?

  5. Lovely stuff and the bases look just right. A pleasure to view what I think of as real Reb cavalry.

  6. Fantastic as usual! Your ACW posts have tipped me over the edge. ACW is my favourite period and so I just can't resist anymore so on to 25/28mm ACW! I plan on mixing Perry, Redoubt, Sash and Saber and some Foundry as I like as much variety as possible.
    I'll start on the plastic Perry's to work out my colours first. I'm building for Guns at Gettysburg rule set and Fire and Fury.
    As always, I'll be following your inspirational progress.


  7. Many thanks again for the comments!
    @MadPadre. They did but they have run out of stock I believe after their discount campaign. Another reseller is
    @Chrisopfer. Cool, I look very much forward to that! I like the variety as well and don't forget Steve Barber. I bought two regiments of him at Salute and they are very nice. Go fine with Perry and Redoubt. Only thing is most come in four parts so you will have to glue them together. I can do a comparison shot if that helps you.

  8. Beautifully painted and based cavalry!

  9. Congratulations on 100 followers! Very well deserved, and a very fine post to celebrate. I loved the colour tones and smart basing on the ACW cavalry. Really very well done indeed!

  10. I remember saying on Jan 30 that there are probably other visitors, who just didn't say anything.

    I have just been thinking ACW for the past two days, and how I don't have any cavalry--and there it is.

  11. Just looked at the Steve Berber site and indeed they look nice to....more figures to add!Tank you!


  12. Fantastic work Mike. They really are excellent.

    And congrats on getting the 100 followers and 10,000 hits!!!

  13. Excellent painting, lovely figures, congratulations on the award, followers and hits and apologies because I forgot to put your blog on my blogroll.

  14. Thanks, really appreciate you take the time to post a comment. And I remember as well mekelnborg. I was figuring out how this blogger site worked back then.
    @Angry. Very nice of you but no apologies needed. I forget to update the blogroll all the time myself. So a good reminder, I need to do it as well.

  15. Excellent looking your style and your basing

  16. Excellent looking figures as usual!

  17. I really liked the article, and the very cool blog
