
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Crossing the Sambre, General de Brigade AAR

With our complete group painting ACW at the moment RobP decided to distract us all from the period and organized a Napoleonic game using General de Brigade rules last saturday.  For the last years we played Sharp Practice (variants) for most of our gaming so this is a significant change from what we usually do. From a skirmish like setting to a couple of brigades on the table and a whole new approach on how to use troups etc.

While the group was expecting lots of difficulties with the new rules the really cool part was that it actually quite easy to learn. OK, you will have to go through some of the basics a couple of times but we picked it up quickly and got to play more turns than we thought beforehand. We definitely liked it and it acknowledged our choices in rules: Toofatlardies for skirmish, quick two man games and to get started in a period. Then building the armies up to brigade level for GdB or any of the rules based on GdB. Works for most periods since both sets cover almost all the major conflicts.

The game:
Rob sent us detailed orders and OOB a couple of days before the battle. In Dutch so I will do a very, very simplified version as I don't feel like translating today: The French had to march across the table to reach Brussels while the Allied basically had to stop them. Unaware of the opposing sides objectives we started the day by deploying the armies and giving the orders to the Generals de Brigades. The Allied forces made the decision to take and hold the farm with one Brigade which in the end proved a fatal mistake as the French columns neglected the farm and went straight at the Prussians in the center. Once the Brunswickers got their new orders to engage it was too late, the Prussians were being pushed back and losing their nerve. The Allied cavalry Brigade got orders to engage and threaten the right flank but got stuck in difficult terrain the overall C&C (who was that?) mistakenly took for a perfect hill to do some cavalry charging.  We had a great day trying out the game mechanics and discussing the new possibilities this brings. I think we had about 1100 points a side and played a 2x2,4m board. The distraction worked well as I am now planning the next army after the two ACW Brigades are done after the summer. Down to two choices but I have some time to decide with which I start.

You missed a good one Mister Suchet..
All the pics of the day exported to Photobucket


  1. That's a great looking battle, Mike! Really lovely figures and a fine Flemish farm. I'm completely with you regarding choosing rule sets - try a few out and then choose a set for a specific scale of action. The initial investment of a club in the time taken to get to know a good set of rules is really well worth it. Can't wait for your next battle!

  2. By the looks of it I indeed missed a good one. Marc couldn´t stop talking about it on the phone today.
    Since the Mistress of the House had to work on the day of battle, I had to divert my much needed attention somewhere else.
    But be forewarned and wait till my famous Dutch/Belgian brigade hits the table on its first outing of the season.


  3. Excellent write up and photos. Thanks for your comparison between SP & GdB. I've heard good things about GdB before too. I was surprised to see the game table uses a mat or cloth & then sprinkled with flock. It looked like terrain boards in the first picture (side angle). Very impressive. BTW, I am impressed with your translation as well. Warm regards, Dean

  4. Great painting, scenery and report. A small group in our club is also searching for a good Napoleonics rules set. We are inclined to play Lasalle but, funnily enough, we are also adapting GdB's orders-system to be used with Lasalle.

  5. Absolutely fantastic looking table!!

    In regards to GdB rules system I think they are just fantastic and really give you the feel of what it's like to command on a field. Simulation tabletop wargaming at it's best.
    I currently use "British Grenadier" which is the GdB rule set for AWI and will be using GdB for ACW called "Guns at Gettysburg". Eventually, I also plan on using their Nap rules as well when I finally start the period.


  6. Table and troops look fantastic. Great photos.

  7. Thanks for the replies.
    @Sidney-the farm is Hovels BTW, ordered painted and just arrived. we happy.
    @Suchet-Yes Marc had a good time, even without the stone walls
    @DeanM-thx, maybe he will sent the orders in English next time now :-)
    @Anibal- I don´t know Lasalle but I do know the order mechanics in GdB are very good and main reason for choosing the set.
    @Christopher-The only one I did not have was British Grenadier. Ordered it last saturday to plan for my AWI army

    Thx again all

  8. Great looking game! Have you tried the TFL's Le Feu Sacre?

  9. I forgot to ask did you take off the order markers for the pictures?


  10. @Cyrus-thx, no never did. Don't know why but I guess we see TFL as skirmish games due to SP,TSS and TMB.
    @Christopher-No, Don't think there is a need for order markers on the table. We had written them down. Further Rob the organizer also made little cards for everybody with Brigade and battalion details. That was really helpful. We have another little table in the room where we can put these cards and markers when needed.

  11. Something I'll think about doing as well as I don't like paper markers on my tables. A table to the side with the Brigades cards and orders underneath is a good idea! Thank you!


  12. What!?! Nothing in the report about the heroic charge made by the Lancers in the final turn that completely detroyed a regiment of Brunswickers!!! If I didn't know any better I'd say you hold a grudge against the Lancers...;-)

  13. Thx for refreshing the memory Jake. Some things are easily forgotten. Lancers??

  14. My next unit will be the 6th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry Regiment aka Rush’s Lancers,

    I'll keep reminding you.

  15. It might be the title of the post, but I really got caught up in the game (they're only pictures Gaz, for God's sake!). I probably do need to get out more, but that looks like it was a good game.


  16. What a great looking table and loads of fabulous figures.

    What edition of GdB are you using?

  17. Three man turned up with the 2nd edition and one with deluxe so we played 2nd. I've ordered deluxe now and that will be version we use. If I'm correct that's the version with amendments and improvement over the 2nd ed.
