
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WWII 15mm desert game, IABSM3 and a bit of Crisis

Another week without painting unfortunately. With Crisis11 next Saturday most of my spare time is spent on Google investigating new projects.
About two years ago I spent several months painting a 15mm DAK army while Jake took on the task of painting the British. I had so much fun painting these but since only part of the group joined the project they never got action until recently. Jake was visiting, we had only two hours but we decided to unbox our troops to get them on the table. With limited time it wasn't much of a game. We deployed and when we started turn one we looked at each other...How does Fow actually work? Is it You Go I Go?  We had forgotten the mechanics.

As a fan of Lardies rules I ordered this new ruleset. I now have the iPad version and waiting for the hardcover book and playing cards to arrive. My plan is to give them a go and replace FoW since I feel they better reflect our playing style. My only concern is if we can simply use our FoW style basing. I noticed IABSM 3 uses campaign strength sections of 8 figs while some of our FoW armies are five on a base. Anyone experience with this or suggestions?

Next Saturday our group will be at Crisis making friends with some of the traders and bartenders. Should be good as usual with some nice demo games as well. Anyone else going?

Anyway, some pictures of our desert game. The terrain boards are from Encobertura. We bought lots of those two years ago and they got their first game as well. Nice boards, especially for 15mm. The houses we picked up from Last Valley at Salute last year. We just need some palms trees and other bits to liven up the table.


  1. Mike, that looks a great set-up. Drop by on Saturday and all those IABSM questions can be answered!

  2. Cool looking board and I ordered my copy of IABSM yesterday. My armies are based for FOW with 2,3 or 4 a base which I hope works. I've never tried TFL rules and so I'm looking forward to trying them.


  3. Eye candy goodness, have a good Crisis!

  4. It's fairly easy to use your FoW bases with IABSM (even with 5 figures on them) by using markers for the number of actual figures in the squad/zug.
    BTW, there is a IABSM particpation game on Crisis. Marc, Sam and I will be joining that in the afternoon. As far as I know it's a East Front scenario with snow, slight diversion from the Desert :-)

  5. Very nice display of desert scenery, troops, and armament, Mike. One can almost feel the tension in the air.

  6. Mike, I have Blitzkrieg Commander bases ( 6 x 3cm with 3 figures) for my 20mm and have adapted to IABSM assuming 1 squad = base and keeping track of the casulaties with some mini-dice. Also, we started recently CDS with 28mm; we rescale down the squads to 1/2 the number of figures because they occupied a too large surface and the table was "saturated"; what we do is to keep track of the single casualties and every 2 KIAs we take a away 1 figure. Hope this helps

  7. They look superb Mike, I love the shot of the German Generals on the rocky hill!! Once upon a time I too was the owner of a FOW DAK army....alas no more!!!!!!!
    Don't spend too much at Crisis, we all know you will!!

  8. Great looking battle. If your not playing FOW anymore. Start rebasing your figures. I did that for Blitzkrieg Commander. Four FOW armies now rebased.

  9. Great looking DAK army! Be sure to post a review of the new rules you are using...I'm looking for an easy set of WWII rules.

  10. Really amazing army. I like the most board and all the characters are at well place which makes it more innovative.

  11. Great looking game. Love the troops and the terrain.

  12. Thanks for the compliments and the suggestions guys. It seems pretty easy to use what we have for IABSM. I will never rebase though. As a rule I base how I like it and not how rules dictate. If it conflicts, sorry for the rules.
    @Ray: You sell too much:-) But then again they are just next door mostly...
    @Cory: Will do but it will not be very soon as the next planned games are different periods
    @Suchet: CU Saturday, curious what we will be staring at over a beer later that day.
    @Christopher: That should work fine. You won´t be dissapointed by the rules is my guess.
    @Anibal: Thanks, will also take a look at CDS as it looks line an opportinity to get our Vietnam figs out.
    @Sidney: CU Saturday, look forward to it.

  13. My word that looks great; wonderful as ever Michael.

  14. WWII is superb game. The graphics of this game is very awesome. I played this game many times. I get too much entertainment and enjoyment while playing with friends.

    wmv to avi

  15. It's fairly easy to use your FoW bases with IABSM (even with 5 figures on them) by using markers for the number of actual figures in the squad/zug.
