
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Viking Warlord for SAGA

First project for 2012 is a Viking warband for SAGA. So first up is the Jarl who will be commanding the raiders. I intent to do 6 points and some extra villagers,wagons, casualties, etc. I might do another faction if the game is fun enough and I'm still motivated when these are done.

The nice thing about the Dark Ages is that we are spoiled for choice of good models from many manufacturers. Downside is that you spent too long deciding which models to pick for your units and how to compose a vignette..After a start with some attacking poses I decided I liked this one better so started to experiment to create rocks out of cork. Really easy actually, the only hard thing was to get the feet instead of the base om the rock. You could remove the base and then pin it but I just carved a hole the size of the base and put the mini in the cork. Fill it up with plastic putty and done..The moss was done using foam that comes with a blister pack. Massive Voodoo has an excellent tutorial on this.

The Warlord was posted yesterday @Analogue Hobbies as part of the AH speed painting challenge. I'm about 1000 points behind and no real contender but it's real fun seeing the entries from all over the world each day.

Next Saturday an ACW game to kick off the year. Immediately after I leave on a business trip for a week so the next update in two weeks time.



  1. Splendid painting as ever. Am I wrong in thinking that this monk has a striking resemblance to one of our Koopclub members?

  2. Very nice painting, posing, and basing, Mike. You are off to a great start this 2012!

  3. I'll second Jay in that your off to a great start! Fantastic!


  4. Wow, really lovely work sir. I really should get on and buy the viking warband I've been eying for a while.

  5. What a brilliant start to the New Year, Mike. I love the basing. It really looks splendid.

  6. Again, a great command stand, Michael.


  7. poor monk. amazing paint job btw!

  8. Great vignette. The cloak detailing on the great man is lovely.

  9. Very nice!

    I love your monk ^^

  10. First Class painting Mike, a beautiful paintjob!!!

  11. I'm thinking of the Kirk Douglas/Tony Curtis movie: The Vikings!

    "Take your magic elsewhere Holy Man!!"

  12. Great vignette and beautiful painting. The monk looks suitably terrified!

  13. Great vignette and beautiful painting. The monk looks suitably terrified!

  14. Wonderful, very nice painting and basing work, Mike.


  15. Excellent work on these minis as always Mike.


  16. Tremendously awesome vignette :-)

  17. Very nice! Excellent painting and I love the base!

  18. Fantastic looking base of figures, a big thumbs up.

  19. Very nice Mike, that's a good start to SAGA and very inspiring for me. I'm also looking at the monk and thinking along the same line as Suchet.

  20. Michael, I'm so sorry! I don't know how I missed this, such a tremendous piece of work and a wonderful start to 2012. Thanks also for the heads up with regards to the 'foam packing' tutorial.

  21. Great piece of work Michael hope the monk gets what he is praying for!!!

  22. What a superb command stand! Amazing detailing and it certainly tells a story - well done!!!

  23. Beautiful work. The monk is a lovely touch.
    Tell us more about that lovely banner - it's amazing!

  24. Just returned from my trip and I'm amazed by the number of people who took time to comment. Thanks guys, appreciated!
    @mad padre: the banner is from Little Big Men Studios. They have excellent banners as well as shield decals in various periods.

  25. Sorry mike I have totaly missed your stunning Viking Jarl for SAGA, absolutely perfect !!!!

    Best regards dalauppror

  26. Fantastic!! I have no words!!

  27. job today You can also supplement your portfolio with shots taken during internships or other freelance jobs.
