
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vikings for SAGA point 6: Archers

Not overexcited with the idea of having to paint the archers I got the job done. While I have collected hundreds of Vikings over the years I had a hard time finding twelve archers I could use. This is a mix of 5 manufacturers and I ended up doing a very simple conversion on a Foundry Bondi figure giving him bow, arrow and a quiver to get to twelve.
Warband is done now and I'm currently painting a baggage train for one of the scenarios. At least one game of SAGA and an ACW battle this Month and I'm looking forward to that. Last week we had a WWI game using Mud & Blood which was great but unfortunately the pictures are unusable.

In the meantime the group decided to start yet another project so I'm currently in research mode for figs and history. This time we found another nice niche: Mexican American War in 28mm. We are fully aware of some great 18mm and 40mm ranges out there but because we have a lot of  unused scenery in 28 we decided to use what we have and stay with 28mm. We will use So Far From God by TooFatLardies as our ruleset for the period. Now let me see if I can find some cool figures I can use...

Viking Gallery


  1. Another project but an interesting one I'd say, nice work on the archers Mike....

  2. Really nice work on these guys Mike!

  3. Looking realy nice Mike !!!

    I would have painted a 7th point to be able to switch the archers they might not be to good i all engagements... I think I used mine in 2 of 10 games...

    Interesting with your Mexican/American war project. For the mexicans I suppouse you could use severl of the french napoleonic plastik kits and some minis from the perry Carlist war range...

    1st Corp have quite much minis in their mew-american war range

    Best regards Dalauppror

  4. These look superb, but also looking forward to the new distraction with interest.

  5. Another great looking unit Mike. Look forward to hearing how they all get on when you play your game of Saga.

    My mate Dave T is very much into the Mexican-American war. If you can get your hands on a copy of the 2011 Wargamers Annual he did a wee article about it there and the game that we ran at the Claymore show in 2010

  6. Great looking Vikings Mike...and another new period??? I did have the Americans for the Mex-Ameriacn once upon a time in 15mm. The Mexicans would be the best to paint, every infantry unit has its own colourful uniform, I'll look forward to seeing some figs painted then!!

  7. Really nice painted troops, Mike! Looking forward to the baggage train unit.

  8. Wonderful! Your warband just looks awesome!


  9. They look excellent. The basing is dam cool. I am awaiting my own Vikings with bows in the mail but not sure how well they will perform in games but then again don't really care that much as they will be 1 more point and they are Levys in any case. Is this the right attitude?

  10. Great archers Mike - photos of the whole Viking war and would be nice. Good luck with your Mexican-American war project.

  11. what an awesome paint job and the basing is great

  12. Lovely work on your SAGA warband. I sympahise with how hard finidng decent archers can be. Especially for Vikings. Looking forward to seeing those Mexican War figures and that Baggage Train as well.

  13. Mike, you sure do some beautiful work.

  14. Thanks all for the nice comments
    @Dalauppror: Might be a good idea, let's see how it goes and I will probably do some more points. Waiting on 1st Corps to be delivered...
    @Kingsleypark: Thanks for the tip, will look for it at Salute. Will you be there?
    @TheKiwi: I don't really care neither..Usually paint what I like and how they perform is of no importance to me..
    Will do a picture of the whole war band Cyrus, first time I get a game

  15. Looks really good, really like your style of painting


  16. Another great addition to your viking army. Great painted figures!

