
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Carlist Wargame

A couple of weeks ago Rob and I got together for another Carlist War game.  I really enjoy playing and painting the period with the variety of troops and great minis available.
We used the Sharp Practice rules by TooFatLardies and as in my mind I always find it difficult to game Napoleonics in a skirmish like setting I do feel these rules are as good as it gets for Carlist War games. We just use them as is and create some specific cards for the Isabilinos and Carlist to reflect their different fighting styles.
Rob created the scenario in which the Carlist had to supply a small village and reinforce their position . The Isabilonos had to prevent all this and preferably burn the village.
No complete turn by turn run-through or detailed report today. As some of you may have noticed I'm running kind of behind in posting and visiting the blogs. I've not given up though, actually I'm completely recharged with way too many plans as usual.
Next weeks I'm traveling a lot but will be back early September with more Mexicans, start of the Early French Naps and the return of the ACW...

Full picture report of the day
I've also managed to recover my Carlist Gallery after my struggle with MobileMe removing my pictures   some Months agao.


  1. Great looking game! I really enjoy all the details you guys put into your scenarios. I especially like the statue in the village, the pack mules and the Spanish irregular troops. Very characterful.

  2. Your game looks stunning all round Mike!!!

  3. Beautiful looking game Mike, great scenery and figures!

  4. Another tremendous looking table with some stunning miniatures and terrain.

  5. Brilliant looking battle! I love the mix of the regular and irregular troops in your game. Thanks for sharing Mike, and looking forward to what September brings.


  6. Mike, great looking game and figs! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Impressive scenery and figures

  8. Excellent looking table Michael!!


  9. That is a wonderful looking table Mike. Great fig's too.

  10. Greate looking game Mike !!!

    Best regards Michael

  11. Great shots , Mike....that village is outstanding

  12. Your battlefield is absolutly wonderful!!!!
