
Monday, October 22, 2012

Eureka Miniatures Early French Battalion

Officer for Sharpe Practice games
Done... This first Napoleonic Early French  battalion kicks off a new long term project. I wanted to do an early French army for a long time and when some guys from the group had their eye on the Russians and Austrians last year this new project was born very quickly. My plan is to paint seven or so of these Eureka battalions. While initially painted for the Wars of the Third Coalition I will allow them to join the later army up to 1807 and use them with little modification for the Revolutionary wars in Europe and Egypt. So these battalions will give me a great base to expand on and paint up theatre specific units for the various armies in the future.

No Voltigeurs, Flag changed...ready to disembark in Alexandria

The Eureka miniatures are just fantastic. I've said this before on other manufacturers but the reason is I pick my minis very carefully these days. This French are really a different level with so many different figures full of character in the range. Even for this marching unit I needed just a few doubles. And the quality is superb. No mould lines, flash, broken bayonets or other annoying defects I still experience with other popular manufacturers. On top of that the sculpts have a great definition which helps painting greatly. They are somewhat pricey though, especially in Europe. I've ordered in the USA and another batch for pickup at Salute to reduce costs a bit.
Finally customer service from Eureka USA ans Australia was excellent so what can I say? I'm a happy customer..
Flags are from GMB Design. 

Not sure when I will paint the next battalion. Hopefully another one this year but I need to finish the Mexican skirmish force first for a game in December. January we go back to ACW to prepare our Gettysburg refight in July.


  1. Eureka miniatures are fantastic, but your painting style is excellent too! Great work, great unit!

  2. Wow, great looking batalion. Even more impressive to se a whole unit painted to this standard, There are realy something special with a nicely painted napoleonics unit. Great work.

  3. Wonderful batalion. Really lovely painting. Congratulations

  4. Oh Michael you really make this period very hard to resist! Fabulous work Sir.

  5. Beautiful painting Mike, they look very very cool, love the flag swap idea as well, that'll save time and money!!! Keep up the great work!!

  6. No that is some seriously nice painting Michael!


  7. Stunning work Michael !!!

    Very inmpressive !

    best regards Michael

  8. Your groove is on, Mike! Super nice're good!!

  9. Fantastic battalion Mike! Eureka are great figures and Nic is a top bloke too.

  10. Oh Yeah, Baby!! I've been waiting since spring to see these lads make their debut. Those are a whole lot of awesome - well done Michael! (I've been wanting to drag out the Eureka stuff I have waiting in the wings and your stuff gives me great impetus.)

  11. Mike, great looking figs! I love the overhead shot of the column. Keep em' coming!

  12. Good grief Mike, they're excellent, brilliant painting!

  13. Excellent painting Mike. Lovely figures and I have to agree Eureka are great to deal with.

  14. Hello Mike, what a great blog you have, I am enjoying the game reports and tutorials but will have to come back for several more visits to get up to date.
    I have never purchased Eureka figures before but having seen the way you have painted these, I may have to put them on my shopping list for Salute.

  15. Very very Nice!!! I love it.

    I added you to mi best blogs

  16. That's some fine painting! If you'd like to do a guest post about your American Civil War figures over at my blog, I'd be happy to have you. Drop me a line if you're interested.

  17. Marvalous painting as always Mike. Looking forward to more of your Naps. :-)

    I also wanted to let you know that I've nominated MiniStories for the Liebster Blog Award, and make sure you didn't miss my kind words for you and your blog.

    Whether you care about such things as the Liebster Blog Award is irrelevant. What's important (to me anyway) is that I had a chance to single out some of my favorite blogs and bloggers that have been an inspirational and positive influence on me. :-)


  18. these are stunning mile, I love the early French in chapeau.
