
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

15mm WWII US Infantry 'The Big Red One'...part 1

A couple of the guys here are heavy into 15mm WWII and they managed to get me excited to the point that I actually started painting a new company. The last few weeks I played about five games of Flames of War and while I was initially a bit sceptical I can report here that I actually liked every single game. Now of course I have good company but a long as you avoid the 'car park' scenes you sometimes see and don't get hung up over points  it works fine for me.

So with my renewed interest I decided to try to paint this infantry company as quick as I could with the nice side effect it would also earn me some points in Curt's Painting Challenge, While I do have two other armies from my previous wanderings in 15mm ready to game, nothing beats the excitement to start something completely new.

Today I'm posting the Rifle and Weapon Platoons, support will follow soon after they appear on the Challenge pages at Anologue Hobbies. Complete gallery with many more pictures: LINK 


  1. Excellent work Mike, really nice looking troops!!

  2. Nice looking troops; you've painted them up very nicely and they have good proportions. Best, Dean

  3. Wonderful stands and pictures! Close-up are really great!

  4. I can't hardly believe the level of detail you got in such tiny little minis!!
    Outstanding indeed

  5. Fabulous Michael and a great entry into the challenge.

  6. I really like them, great work. Bases look great too.

  7. Wonderful job with the GI's. Quick question - what color did you use for the jackets??? Looks great!


    1. Thx Steven, the base colour is Vallejo821 German Beige. I've used several methods to shade and highlight. The most time consuming:
      Paint VallejoPAces318 US Tankcrew->wash with Army Painter Quickshade Ink strong Tone -> Highlight Vallejo821 -> Final Highlight Vallejo PA322 us tankcrew highlight.
      The very quick method:
      Paint Vallejo 821-> Wash with Quickshade-> Highlight Vallejo PA322.

  8. Beautiful painting and bases Mike!

  9. Boy, these are nicely presented! The Big Red One patch on the shirts is over-the-top modeling!!

  10. Awesome job. The big red 1. My favourite american force and I like the movie of the same name. Flames of War is a very enjoyable game. I have been playing it for a few years now and I still enjoy it.

  11. These look awesome Mike. Great work!

  12. Nicely done,
    I have a 15mm US army to do too at some point, good inspiration!

  13. They look just fantastic Michael! As you know we seem to be mind melded as I too have Americans on my to do list for FOW.


  14. Excellent job Mike! They look great!

  15. Impressive stuff, lovely painting and bases.
