
Saturday, January 4, 2014

New year, new resolutions

So time to resurrect the blog and re-join the fun @the blogosphere.

I noticed it has been eight months since I last posted and checked the blog so I needed to decide to either give it up or give it another fresh attempt in 2014. Last May I switched jobs and put all my energy in making this a success. While doing this all wargaming related activities became a rarity. I barely painted, stopped checking blogs and only played a few games.
Now things have settled I've started to paint again and actually had a few games last Month. Inspiration has returned like never before so the painting desk has way too many different periods patiently waiting for their turn once more. Back to normal so to say.
I will continue posting battle report, painting results and what more irregularly as before with lots of WWII stuff in the near future. After a few games of Chain of Command I'm so impressed with the game I started painting platoons in three different scales. I know, insane, but I just had to join all the different projects in our group.

Ok, I when I started this blog I promised myself never to post without any pictures so here's a few from recent games:

 Back in August I visited Rejects HQ to pick up a HUGE Old West train Postie (Battleaxe painting service) painted for me. Poor him, it took him a bit longer than expected but I will post the excellent results here soon. They put up a great ACW game which Ray and Lee blogged about a long time ago...Thanks again guys for the fantastic day.

This is how I remember BigLee, dissapointed by another bad dice roll. Really, I'm a bad roller and I have a friend Marc who is a bad dice roller but BigLee tops us all. May the dice be with you this year!

Have a great 2014!


  1. Mike, good to see you back on the saddle! We've missed you!!

    1. Looking forward to viewing your expertly painted troops, Mike.

    2. Great to see you back at it, sometimes that break really helps get you all fired up again


  2. Good to see you back on the horse Mike. Have a great 2014 :)

  3. Göad to see you blogging again Mike !

    Stunning ACW pictures, very good lookin game !

    Glad that the new job turned out well and that things start to settle down so you get time for your wargaming and painting.

    It will be nice to follow your wargaming adventures during 2014 .

    Best regards Michael

  4. Welcome back Mini Mike; and i hope you enjoy a fruitful year of hobby in 2014. :)

  5. I had to look twice to see if it was you. I for one am very happy to see you back again Mike and really pleased you decided to keep the blog as it's one of my favourites! Nice looking games btw!


  6. Welcome back Mike, some great looking games there!

  7. Very nice to see you back Mike!

  8. Welcome back!

    Great looking games and minis!

  9. Absolutely thrilled to have you back and active in the blogosphere - looking forward to many more inspirational posts!

  10. Welcome back Mike.. I sure missed your posts.. Happy New Year..

  11. It's great to have you back! I love those ACW pics!

  12. Great looking games. Hope you can have a successful comeback to blogging.

  13. I'll echo all those above in welcoming you back to the warm embrace of The Dorkosphere. We missed you (sniff). Now, get painting and posting you Dutch slacker!

  14. Thanks for the encouragement guys!

  15. Good to see you back, I feel a wee bit of a break coming on myself with life events taking up more and more time.
