
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Eureka Miniatures Early French Battalion 3

The third battalion for my Napoleonic Early French project done. This time it's a 24 man battalion plus command instead of the 36 man sized units I painted before. Our group here decided to reduce the standard battalion size a bit in the hope we can get them on the table a bit sooner. While 36 looks better I think 24 still looks OK but for painting it makes a huge difference. Well to me anyway, it's something psychological with those 36 sized units. When you start it it feels like a major project that will take ages to finish while a 24 sized unit feels just as another thing on the painting desk.
I will rearrange the other battalions so they gan go both ways but now I only need to paint 48 more to have six of them finished :-)

This was my final submission for the annual Painting challenge @Analogue Hobbies. It's in the fortnight theme bonus round which I recommend you to check if you did not already as there are some insane good entries over there. This is what I posted:
For the last stands in this years challenge I finally managed to get a decent sized unit done.  I love firing lines in an army. They are not the most practical for gaming but any of my armies needs at least one.
These excellent Eureka miniatures are initially painted for the Wars of the Third Coalition but I will allow them to be fielded up to 1807 and use them with a simple flag swap for the Revolutionary wars in Europe and even Egypt. So these battalions will give me a great base to expand on and paint up theatre specific units for the various armies in the future.


  1. Superb painting Mike. Love your basing too. I have the same dilemma over Napoleonic unit sizes. 36 men looks great and allows 6 bases of 6 men (representing French companies) but after having painted one unit this size I really didn't want to do it again! 24 men looks good and is far more manageable as you say. I'm inclined to take your route!
    Best wishes,

    1. Thanks Jason, it's a concession but so far it works for me. I had the nine companies of the early formation in the previous units which worked fine with 4 on a base. So strictly speaking I have one or two too many grenadiers and voltigeurs now but who cares. It's what you think is a nice representation of a battalion.

  2. Superb early French battalion Mike! 36 does look better but pragmatism means 24 wins out :).

  3. Wow! Excellent looking "early-war" French Napoleonics. Painting, basing and sculpting the best I've seen for the period. Love the long-haired grenadiers! Best, Dean

  4. Quite simply a fantastic looking unit Michael! Looking forward to seeing where you take this and Egypt does sound cool!


  5. Stunning execution with such intricate e brushwork on the detailing of the faces. These fellows all look the part of grisly old veterans

  6. Those look great! White pants are never easy to do and those look fantastic. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Really good work on that unit. That's a lot of figures to paint then base.

  8. Stunning work sir...the details are awesome, love the 'one eye' guy, love the paint job, love the bases, love the overall impression...excellent!!

  9. A really great unit!

    Fab brushwork and packed with bags of character.


  10. What a fantastic looking unit Mike! Really love the guy with the eye patch.

  11. Absolutely brilliant I hope Nic at Eureka sees them.

  12. Oh I say, these are wonderful Michael.

  13. Outstanding work! These frenchmen definitely look the part.

  14. Well done, great looking unit, thanks for the inspiration you'r giving me whith these guys.

  15. Absolutely wonderful mate. The Eureka stuff is just packed with character.

  16. Very nice unit, I agree 36 looks great on a table but it can be a long haul to finish a project . As for firing lines they do look great and yours is full of character, well done.
    Regards Furphy.

  17. Great looking gang, you've really captured to rough esprit of the early French units. Seems they were all recruited from the mob next to the guillotine on the Place de la Concorde...

  18. What a great advert for Eureka Miniatures. The sculpts look great and you show them off at their very best with your painting and basing. 10/10.

  19. Thank you all for the kind comments. A real encouragement to get some more units done!

  20. Excellent work !
    very nice figures well deserved by your painting job !

    (and welcome on my blog ! added yours in my blogroll )

  21. Top stuff Mike. I particularly like units that have 'character' with an assortment of poses of the figures.

  22. Really nice unit! I have been thinking about doing an early napoleonic French army....and looking at these minis and your paint job, I think i'll get starte.

    1. Give it a go John, you won't regret these minis

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