
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Perry Desert Rats & some terrain

Holiday is over so time to get back to the hobby and see what's everybody been doing recently to get some fresh inspiration.
Unfortunately I did not have many games over the last few months but I managed to get a platoon and some buildings done for our 28mm Chain of Command desert WWII games.

These are from the Perry plastic boxed set with some metals thrown in for a bit of variety. Now I've never been a fan of plastics but I must say these are the first I actually like (and I tried many:). Easy to assemble, good variety and proportions and a joy to paint. This can't be said of the metals though, I really struggled with those. Yes, great poses but the quality is just poor IMO. It takes longer to clean the figure than to build a plastic and you get lesser quality which was a pain to paint. The 2 pdr model was good though and my favourite of the range.

For terrain I ordered some buildings from The Colonial Steamboat company. Great models and they come with a decent basic paintjob so you can use them straight away. I actually painted the bases to match the desert mat and put a few lighter colours on them. After this I went on to experiment with the modelmates products for weathering. I was so impressed with the effects you can achieve with these liquids that I went a bit overboard with the weathering. But no problem here, I have't sealed the effect yet so with some water I can still remove it.

Original building from colonial steamboat company

and a scenery piece from The Last Valley, repainted as well


  1. Excellent mini's
    I've done two boxes of the Perry Plastic 8th Army and really like them - I may stay away from the metals based on your experience

    1. Thx, if you have a chance take a look at them before you go for the metals. As said I was dissapointed by them compared to the plastics and other metals.

  2. Fantastic work on these Brits! Interesting Plastic vs Metal observation. Noted!

  3. Very impressive work, Mike. I love the Desert Rats and that AT gun and little tank are fantastic. I also think the buildings are fine with the weathering as is. Sorry to hear that the Perry metals are disappointing.
    Good to see you back.

    1. Thanks for your comment Michael. I probably keep the weathering as is...

  4. Awesome work, the desert uniform colors, terrain and basing are brilliant!

  5. Excellent work and great link to the building makers site.
    Cheers and thanks.

    1. Thanks, these are fine buildings. Theu have a large footprint though which is fine for skirmish games

  6. Nice work on those! Those Perry plastics really are a treat. Realistic proportions really do help a lot especially when coupled with very nice dynamic poses. Now if they would just do some for the other fronts of WW2 as well...

  7. Excellent work, love the paint job, and the brilliant basing!

  8. Wonderful work here Mike! Fantastic basing!

    1. Thx, I was trying to match the bases to my new desert mat

  9. Great looking rats! Really impressed by the weathering you've added to that AT-gun!

    1. Thanks, most weathering was done with the modelmates liquids as well

  10. Excellent Desert Rats and buildings!

  11. They are simple stunning Michael, great to have you back too.

  12. Excellent work all round.

  13. That's some fabulous stuff! The Rats are looking awesome as does your scenery stuff.

  14. Great looking troops, basing and terrain!

  15. You've been busy, Mike. Swell job!

  16. Excellent work on the Desert Rats. Your work inspires me to paint better. Looking forward for your AAR report. I need to finish paint my 28mm troops & 20mm troops for Chain of Command.

    Keep painting

    Best Regards

  17. I like the weathering as well - cracking job (and they look great on Alf's mat). The Desert Rats are fabulous as well - that 2pdr is a corker.

    Great to see you back!

  18. Fantastic painting all round with these. I was going to ask you what colours you use on your basing but then found it all on your tutorial.

  19. Outstanding painting Michael as always! As always I really love your smooth tones.


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