
Monday, September 19, 2011

Confederate firing line...under fire

The latest addition to the ACW collection, a firing line  from Steve Barber Models. I really like those models a lot. They come with seperate heads and bodies so you can vary what you want and they provide enough options to make any unit different. They fit in nicely with the other popular brands and they have marching poses and right shoulder shift available as well. You will see those appear on the blog in the next month.
I've tried to make this unit a bit more interesting using the fallen standard bearer miniature who looks up to his Colonel in despair and someone trying to take over the flag while the regiment is taking some hits. 

Flag GMB Design
Added the Regiment to the ACW Gallery


  1. Great job, Mike. you do some of the nicest minis on these blogs

  2. Great looking unit, Mike!

  3. Thta`s a great idea (notes it down in his pocketbook of ideas to lend) for a bit of variety in between regiments

  4. Another great looking unit Mike!

  5. Lovely...really captures the look of a firing line (from what I can imagine or has been protrayed in films) I like the guy looking at his falling comrade.
    I still find it hard to imagine actually standing up in a line and shooting at and being shot at like they did.

  6. Amazing, realistic and damn well painted my friend.

  7. Beautifully done Michael, your use of subtle colour variations on each figure really brings the line to live; top quality Sir!

  8. More very lovely work, as usual

  9. Fantastic looking unit. It's a diaroma with under fire action.

  10. Truly a work of art -- you do amazing work.

  11. Absolutely stunning work I must say!!


  12. Nice. You have a nice blog.

  13. wow! they are wonderful!
    your blog is splendid.

  14. Great work with the modelling and the camera!

  15. "firing line" has always been my favourite if it comes to horse and musquet miniatures. The Steve-Barber-Miniatures look brilliant, the painting and basing is stunning.

  16. Thanks guys. These miniatures are well worth a look when you are into ACW

  17. Great stuff! I noticed you've based your Infantry on 50x40 bases and you command stand on 40x40mm. I'm working out my own base size at the mo so i'm intrigued. Won't this clash with your other units?

    I played around with the idea of using 60x40 bases but changed to 40x40 after I saw how long a firing line of six bases would be. I like your choice btw as it offers a chance to get some character into the bases and still have them useable.

  18. Thanks for your comments Secundus. I use 40x40 for all bases except this one. I've put 5 figs on a base here making the length of the unit exactly the same as a 24 unit based on 40x40 would be. I was struggling with this one because I wanted 24 and the command in the middle. I try to be consistent but sometimes I do it a bit different because I just like it better. Rules should be able to adjust to that :-)

  19. i like your works!!
