
Friday, September 30, 2011

Sharp Practice supplement for FIW

A couple of days ago I received a short email from Rob van S, going by the name of Suchet on the internet. He just wanted to inform our group that the TFL Summer edition included rules for playing F&I: La Longue Carabine.  A Sharp Practice supplement for the French Indian Wars.

Well, thanks, nice to know Suchet. And thanks again since we all know our group is so easily distracted that such a simple email often means some figure and terrain traders can expect orders in the very near future. I suspect that this will be the case now as well. Our 2011 ACW group project is coming to an end and we all like this period a lot. People are dusting off their canoes at this very moment.

The news of the supplement reached us rather slow  as it was released in june I believe. But what more can you expect with a messenger like Suchet. It is exciting news for me though. I feel SP is an ideal ruleset for this period as it will be able to capture the feel of the period. Even more so then it does for what it is originally designed for IMO.
Inspired by this all I dug in to the archives and found a couple of pictures from games back in 2006. Unfortunately I do not have pictures of your fort and all the other troops Suchet. I'm sure they will pop up here soon.
We used This Very Ground rules by Iron Ivan games back then. Unlike their excellent Disposable heroes set this did not work for us making the news even more exciting.


  1. Hi Mike,

    You know I'll always have a keen eye for the interests of our favourite traders, especially now with Crisis coming up :-).
    Anyway, what triggered me was an excellent AAR on Chris Stoesens blog ((


  2. Thx Suchet, was not aware of that blog. Are you managing the pre-orders for this?

  3. Lovely photo's. This isn't a period I have played before but it looks interesting. So many great games, so little time!

  4. FIW is so perfect for skirmishing, love the period, Ray has it in 15mm but sign of it on a table yet!

  5. @MiniMike
    Send in the lists, I'll pre order in the weekend of 15 October.

    @The Angry Lurker
    Back in the old days, Marc "Mudwall" van Vugt and I used to play a lot of 15 mm FIW, using the Habitant and Highlander rules and Essex, Freikorps and Matchlock miniatures (does this show my age?). Great fun.

  6. Your games will certainly look the part if these miniatures are anything to go by. Sharp Practice is a very nice ruleset, adaptable for so many periods.


  7. Another really great period which isn't surprising with my interest in AWI period. I've been collecting the figures for it, but haven't started painting yet. Rules I have are TVG, but I will look into Sharp's Practice as well. Really keen to see where you take all this.:-)


  8. Great post! SP is a very nice set of rules and I agree that it really does a fine job in capturing the feel of the horse and musket period.

  9. Very nice photos indeed. It's a period that I felt very attracted since watching The Last of the Mohicans many years ago, but never really made a serious attempt. As a true Lardie fan, I read the article in the summer special and the flue resurfaced again... we'll see, I have too many projects on the table

  10. Great pictures indeed! And the figures are awesome painted8 I think I will steel some painting patterns of these ;-)


  11. Thanks, this really is a nice period to get back into. It's that time of the year our group start debating our next years project. We have a couple still in the race and this one just made a good entrance...

  12. Mike: I particularly enjoy the action shot with the Indians walking point down a road, with the troopers walking out of the shadows of some trees which have formed an arch over the road. All very nicely painted and posed. Thanks for the "look-see."

  13. Wonderful photographs Michael, you certainly make it look a very tempting period.

  14. Interesting period and great photos.

  15. I looooove those french! Got some myself lined up for pick up at Crisis, so your going to be my inspiration ;)

  16. As Fran said I've got a ton and a half of 15mm figures for the FIW, and yes they have not yet reached the tabletop, I'm trying to write my own rules, looking forward to see your figures Mike. I did buy Sharpe's Practise, but it confused the hell out of me, so I guess so would the FIW version???
    Your Posties Rejects badge looks fine Sir!!!

  17. Go Tomsche, lots of nice models available from Redoubt at Crisis. Also noticed another interesting manufacturer joined FIW since we left:Galloping Major.
    SP confused us as well at first Ray. It's very different but we think the card driven system is so much fun while getting realistic results and great games. The FIW version uses the main rules and adds to it so it will not help you understand. Good luck with your own set, and you made a fine badge Reject!

  18. Yups, I know Redoubt well, half of the Tin Soldiers is `powered by` them I estimate ;)

  19. Great minis. The FIW is another great period by which I've often been tempted. If only I had more time...

  20. Great to see tricornes here -and so well illustrated!

    I know your blog is entitled 'historical miniatures wargaming', but if ever tempted by a foray into something more 'weird', the FIW offer a very propitious setting :)

  21. That's a cool link abdul. I even own a couple of the old Rackham werewolves. Probably wait until my son is a bit older before I remove the word historical from the header...

  22. Woah, very well done, I like this series. I haven't seen Native American war gaming before.

  23. Great looking figures and pics! Makes me wish I hadn't sold all my FIW stuff a few years ago. I've been thinking about getting back into the period and this just might be the inspiration I need!

    cigar box heroes

  24. Where can I get the supplement from?!


  25. Consul, TFL 2011 summer special:
