Well, thanks, nice to know Suchet. And thanks again since we all know our group is so easily distracted that such a simple email often means some figure and terrain traders can expect orders in the very near future. I suspect that this will be the case now as well. Our 2011 ACW group project is coming to an end and we all like this period a lot. People are dusting off their canoes at this very moment.
The news of the supplement reached us rather slow as it was released in june I believe. But what more can you expect with a messenger like Suchet. It is exciting news for me though. I feel SP is an ideal ruleset for this period as it will be able to capture the feel of the period. Even more so then it does for what it is originally designed for IMO.
Inspired by this all I dug in to the archives and found a couple of pictures from games back in 2006. Unfortunately I do not have pictures of your fort and all the other troops Suchet. I'm sure they will pop up here soon.
We used This Very Ground rules by Iron Ivan games back then. Unlike their excellent Disposable heroes set this did not work for us making the news even more exciting.